Memorandum of Understanding Announced between Sio Silica Corporation, Peguis Consultation & Special Projects Inc. and AECOM Canada Ltd.

After over a full year of deliberations and meetings, Sio Silica Corporation is pleased to announce a Memorandum of Understanding between Sio Silica Corporation (Sio), Peguis Consultation & Special Projects Inc. (Peguis) and AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to establish a Peguis controlled environmental monitoring company that will provide monitoring services to the Sio Silica project as well as projects in a wide range of industries, including mining, oil and gas, hydro and infrastructure development. AECOM will provide training and validation to ensure that the services provided meet all regulatory and environmental standards.

Sio Silica President and CEO, Feisal Somji, commented that “We are pleased to work with Peguis to monitor our activities at our Vivian Silica Project to ensure that we follow all guidelines in our activities so that there are no adverse impacts to the aquifer and the surrounding environment. Through this work it is expected that over time, Peguis will have the largest site-specific baseline environmental database and, when used in combination with traditional indigenous knowledge, will be an effective tool to assess the potential environmental impact of future developments.”

About Sio Silica

Sio Silica is a Canadian silica sand producer and supplier committed to offering superior products and practicing sustainable development. Our silica is a unique natural resource that replaces manufactured silica. It is the primary invisible ingredient that keeps our society running. Sio Silica is unique and known for its green extraction and processing activities, making it the greenest sand mine in the world. Our extraction of silica is an innovative patent-pending method that does not require truck traffic, no surface mining, no tunneling, or dust generation. Combined with our state-of-the-art facility using renewable electricity, natural gas, and efficient processing, Sio Silica is making great inroads contributing to a low-carbon future.


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